We are part of the Disaster Justice Network, working with volunteer scientists, researchers and professionals from a variety of disciplines across the nation to support a justice oriented recovery process in the response to the many disasters that have impacted Southwest Louisiana in the past year or so.
Micah 6:8 Mission is all about community, so when they came to our area, we all sat down to eat. They know community happens around the table as well as we do! You see our Director (Cindy), talking to Dr. Kristina Peterson (who is also a Presbyterian minister) co-founder of the Lowlander Center at our Thursday evening meal. Friday evening Cindy cooked and we ate together. It was a wonderful opportunity to share ideas and get connected with the many resources the Disaster Justice Network offers.
Here are resources for rebuilding resilience. We suggest you read them before starting any rebuilding after storms or if you have decided to remodel or reroof your home. An ounce of prevention …

Evergreen Missionary Baptist Church in Dequincy has a demonstration model of the resilient rebuilding techniques. It is worth a visit to Dequincy to see it!
The Episcopal Church in Western Louisiana and the Disaster Justice Network did the roof with the help of Ms. Mary’s family. Click here to view the KPLC report on the project.

With generous support from the Lowlander Center we were able to finish the exterior of Ms. Mary Tezano’s home.